Statistics Research & Information Technology (SRIT) Division







The brainchild of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs (MAFBA), Mr. Colin O’keiffe; the SRIT Division was formally established in July 2020 to address the information and data deficiencies of MAFBA and the Agricultural Sector. It is envisioned that the SRIT Division will be the catalase for a competitive modern agricultural sector driven by sound data for improved efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability.

The Division was established with the following mandates:

  • Serve as a focal point for coordination of all activities of MAFBA where Statistics, Applied Research, Policy Development Support, Monitoring and Evaluation are required as well as operational guidance.
  • Provide research expertise in Policy Development, Monitoring and Evaluation to assist in ensuring that all the Ministry’s policies/programmes are implemented based on appropriate data and planning principles, and that agreed indicators and activities are adhered to at all levels of the implementation cycle.
  • Monitor and/or coordinate MAFBA’s research activities (socioeconomic) undertaken by private and/or consultants for the timely acquisition and delivery of up-to-date information/data for planning purposes and decision-making.
  • Provide data bank services, and Agricultural Statistics to MAFBA, regional and international partners, and other Stakeholders.
  • Use modern Information Technology (IT) instruments in data collection, storage, analysis and dissemination to accelerate speed, accuracy and accessibility of statistical information.
  • Publication of Agricultural Statistics
  • Provide internal IT support services to  MAFBA

Currently, the Division is headed by Dr. Michael Rickaille with the following staff complement:

Mr. Jason Fleming

Ms. Emerald David

Ms. Shemique Joseph

Mr. Tamesh Sookdyal

Ms. Bernella Vidal

Ms. Nodine Clarke

Ms. Dajah Grayman

Mr. Gavin Richards


The main thrust of the Division is towards the collection, storage and analysis of local Crops, Livestock and Fisheries data.



SRIT Division

Tel.  562 -4681: email:


Dr. Michael Rickaille:
