Agricultural Extension











To be a Vibrant Organization guided by creativity ,innovation, respect for the environment, standards of efficiency, the application of appropriate science and technology to deliver effective services.


Agricultural Extension Division provides information on every aspect of the development and management of farms and other production based agricultural enterprises while rendering services that facilitate agricultural development.



¨ Development of a professionally trained and highly qualified individuals

¨ Development and maintenance of a relevant and comprehensive data base

¨ Conducting regular training  and workshops for farmers and agricultural workers to reflect trends and changes in the Agricultural Sector

¨ Facilitating timely and efficient services


Services Provided:



¨ Recommendation of farmers for duty free concession certifying customs warrants for the importation of Agri-inputs

¨ Certifying APUA water application forms for Agricultural purpose

¨ Recommending farmers to the department of Agriculture for discount rates on fruit trees and seedlings

¨ Distribution of donated Agricultural inputs for relief in times of natural disasters

¨ Provide ploughing services

¨ Collect monies for the rental of settlement lands

¨ Collect monies for the provision of ploughing services

¨ Facilitate the removal of beehives and the control of swarms

¨ Conduct overseas tours for farmers



¨ Conducting training workshops for farmers in all aspect of crops production and farm management

¨ Implement locally and externally funded Agricultural projects

¨ The production of printed and electronic education materials

¨ Assist farmers in preparation of projects

¨ Provide technical assistance to back yard gardeners

¨ Provide technical and management  support to commodity development programmes

¨ Provide advise on Agricultural production, pests and disease management



¨ Allocation of land for Agricultural purposes

¨ Settlement of disputes involving agricultural lands

¨ Eviction of delinquent farmers from Agricultural lands

¨ Damage appraisals to crops

¨ Maintenance of settlement roads

¨ Cleaning of settlement ponds

¨ Registration of  farmers


Agricultural Extension Division Staff:

Mr. Owolabi Elabanjo  – Chief Extension Officer (Acting)

Mr. Ika Fergus – Extension Officer (Acting)

Ms. Anika Aska – Agricultural Officer , District Officer  (North East)

Mr. Joel Matthew – Agricultural Officer , District Officer (South East)

Ms. Onecia Anthony- Martin – Agricultural Officer, Parasitlogist , District Officer ( South West)

Mr. Victor Wade – Agricultural Assistant II Acting, District Officer (North West)

Mr. Craig Joseph – Agricultural Assistant III, District Officer, Acting (South East)

Ms. Laset Dennis – Agricultural Assistant I, Regulatory Officer, (South Central)

Mr. Kenrick Francis – Agricultural Assistant 1, Regulatory Officer , (North West)

Mr. Milton Barnes – Agricultural Assistant III, Regulatory Officer , (North East)

Ms. Petranilla Estreada- Joseph – Agricultural Assistant III, Regulatory Officer (South West) and Senior Backyard Garden Facilitator

Ms. Shanie Joseph- Agricultural Assistant IV, Regulatory Officer,(South West)

Ms. Efuru Elihu- Backyard Garden Facilitator

Mr. Ayo Simon – Backyard Garden Facilitator

Mr. Mario Beazer- Backyard Garden Facilitator

Mr. Adrian Bowen  (Trainee awaiting post)


Contact Information:

Agricultural Extension Division

Kentish Road

St. John’s


Tel: 462-1065/9 or 562-5215/14/19




Faces at the Agricultural Extension Division



  Mr. Owolabi Elabanjo – Chief Extension Officer ag.





  Mr. Ika Fergus – Extension Officer ag.





  Ms. Anika Aska – Agricultural Officer , District Officer  (North East)





  Mr. Joel Matthew – Agricultural Officer , District Officer (South East)





Ms. Onecia Anthony- Martin – Agricultural Officer, Parasitlogist , District Officer ( South West)







  Mr. Victor Wade – Agricultural Assistant II Acting, District Officer (North West)







  Mr. Craig Joseph – Agricultural Assistant III, District Officer, Acting (South East)







  Ms. Laset Dennis – Agricultural Assistant I, Regulatory Officer, (South Central)








  Mr. Kenrick Francis – Agricultural Assistant 1, Regulatory Officer , (North West)







Mr. Milton Barnes – Agricultural Assistant III, Regulatory Officer , (North East)








  Ms. Petranilla Estreada- Joseph – Agricultural Assistant III, Regulatory Officer (South West) and Backyard Garden Facilitator








  Ms. Shanie Joseph- Agricultural Assistant IV, Regulatory Officer,(South West)









  Ms. Efuru Elihu – Backyard Gardening Facilitator








  Mr. Ayo Simon – Backyard Gardening Facilitator







Mr. Mario Beazer- Backyard Garden Facilitator










Mr. Adrian Bowen  (Trainee awaiting post)
















NOTICE:  Praedial Larceny Meeting



Praedial Larceny is one of the single most discouraging aspects of agriculture and has become a disincentive to investment in the sector and a threat to livelihoods in farming over the years.

The Agricultural Extension Division has arranged with the Commissioner of the Antigua and Barbuda Royal Police Force to address the issue.

It is envisaged that this meeting could greatly assist in facilitating dialogue and consensus building on this issue that has negatively impacted farming communities.

This meeting will take place on Wednesday 13th April 2022, at 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the Multi- Purpose Cultural Centre.







Agricultural Extension Division’s Shade House got Repaired


Today, the Agriculture Extension Division (AED) was able to receive timely assistance in conducting some much-needed repairs to the shade house on our compound. The structure was in dire need of repair and has been a major “eyesore” since the side netting cover in particular has disintegrated in recent times.
The passage of Tropical Storm Fiona has caused further damages, and as such urgent attention was warranted to secure the aforementioned structure.
Fortunately, Mitchell Benjamin, who is a Carpenter, a Livestock farmer and also a former employee of the division, kindly came to our aide to assist in the re-covering of the structure. Among individuals who also assisted include Mr. Ayo Simon and Mr. Everton Joseph of the AED.

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May be an image of road      May be an image of 1 person and outdoors