Plant Protection



The Plant Protection Unit is the National Plant Protection Organisation of Antigua and Barbuda and it receives its mandate primarily from the Plant Protection Act No. 18 of 2012. In this context, Plant Protection is mandated to prevent the introduction and control the spread of plant pests, to protect plant resources, to facilitate trade in plants and plant products, and to regulate other related matters.

As party to the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) as well as the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Plant Protection is further guided by and operates within the context of The International Standards on Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) of the IPPC, the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. In addition, Plant Protection functions as the Scientific Authority for plants (flora) under the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

The Plant Protection Unit serves as the national Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety while the Plant Protection Officer specifically serves as the Official Contact Point (OCP) for the IPPC, the National Enquiry Point for matters pertaining to the SPS Agreement as well as representative on the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Risk Assessment and Risk Management. At the regional level, the Plant Protection Officer serves as the national Plant Health Director to the Caribbean Plant Health Director’s (CPHD) Forum and also chairs the CPHD’s Technical Working Group on Emergency Response Preparedness Plans & Mechanisms for Response.

The Plant Protection Board is a creature of the Plant Protection Act and functions within the Plant Protection Unit as the body that meets to determine the need for regulations in the area of plant protection, to advise the Minister on the need for such regulations, and to advise on when phytosanitary emergencies are to be declared. As a direct result of its function, the Board is also responsible for directing how the Phytosanitary Emergency Fund is to be applied. The Board was appointed by the Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda for the first time in June 2015.


The Plant Protection Unit envisions itself as an agency that is recognized and respected by all stakeholders as a technically, administratively and structurally sound entity that is able to appropriately, efficiently and effectively respond in preventing and/or resolving all plant pest-related issues.


While continuing to respond to the current needs of the country, Plant Protection aims to realize its vision of effectively protecting plant life in Antigua and Barbuda through the continuation of an aggressive capacity building campaign by continued training and acquisition of additional and appropriately trained human resource, upgrading of the administrative arrangements of the agency, increasing public awareness of its role as well as the important role of the stakeholder in the process, and acquisition of a purpose-built facility to appropriately accommodate its staff and work.



An IMPORT PERMIT must be obtained for all regulated plant commodities, in any quantity. The permit should be obtained ahead of export of commodities from the country of export, using the following steps:

1. An application for an Import Permit MUST be submitted to Plant Protection at least two (2) weeks before the shipping date.

2. The application should comprise three (3) hard copies of a printed invoice/order form/purchase order, etc. and one (1) completed Plant Protection Import Permit Application Form. [The Application Form can be provided via email or in hard copy from Plant Protection].

3. Plants for planting pose the highest level of pest risk. All plants for planting therefore MUST have a valid import permit along with other required documentation as stated on the permit issued for the consignment. Consignments that do not comply WILL BE CONFISCATED.

4. Permits are valid for one (1) consignment only, and expire 60 days from the date of issue.

All inbound consignments of regulated plant commodities must be accompanied by a valid PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATE issued by the Plant Protection Organization of the country of export upon presentation of the Import Permit and the commodities to be exported to Antigua and Barbuda.

The following provides examples of commodity categories that require an Import Permit:

1. Plants intended for planting –

– Cuttings
– Seeds
– Tubers for planting
– In vitro plants (that is, tissue culture plants)
– Micropropagative plant material
– Live plants

2. Plant commodities that have not been processed and are intended for consumption, processing, and other purposes other than propagation –

– Fresh fruits & vegetables
– Cut flowers
– Wood & wood products/items

3. Plant commodities that have been processed but remain capable of being infested with some quarantine pests –

– Chipped wood
– Chopped fruit, nuts, grains & vegetables
– Crushed herbs & nuts
– Dehydrated fruit & vegetables
– Fibres
– Painted wood
– Peeled or shelled fruits, vegetables, grains & nuts
– Polished rice & cocoa beans
– Graded, sorted, washed or brushed &/or waxed fruit & vegetables
– Chilled fruits & vegetables

4. Plant growth media (e.g., soil, soil substitutes, mulches, potting mixes), aggregates, sand, etc.



Plant Protection Board Swearing in Ceremony

The installation of the new Plant Protection Board (PPB) took place on Wednesday at the Governor General’s Office.  Eleven of the fourteen board members were present and before receiving their instruments they were advised and encouraged by Sir Dr. Rodney Williams to serve on the Board without fear or favour but with integrity and by professional standards.

The Plant Protection Board was established under Section 9 of the Plant Protection Act 18/2012. According to Dr. Janil Gore-Francis, one of the board’s primary functions is to advise the minister on the need for plant protection regulations and to make recommendations whenever a phytosanitary emergency has occurred. “The board acts in an advisory capacity to the minister in regards to the need for regulations for plant protection to be developed or be in place to deal with particular issues and to manage phytosanitary emergencies. Therefore, when there is a pest outbreak which is deemed to be an emergency, there is a process where the Board would make a recommendation to the minister that an emergency be declared and once that happens it puts in motion a number of things such as funding in order to respond and address the emergency”, explained Gore-Francis.

Based on the Cabinet decision, the Period of Appointment will be for a duration of three years (1st January 2022 to 31st December 2024).  Listed below are the board members and the designations.

No photo description available.


Dr. Janil Gore-Francis Head of the National Plant Protection Organisation
Mr. Gregory Bailey Director of Agriculture
Mr. Jahmel Ralph Ministry of Agriculture representative
Dr. Helena Jeffery-Brown Ministry responsible for the Environment
Mrs. Sylvia Samuel Ministry responsible for Trade
Mrs. Joy Dublin Ministry of Legal Affairs
Mr. David Martin The Customs Department
Lt. Cmd. Elroy Skerritt The Antigua & Barbuda Defence Force Coastguard
Mr. Devon Warner Barbuda Council
Mrs. Soria Dupie-Winston Ministry responsible for Health
Mr. Devon Graham Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda
Mr. Darell George Importer and Exporter
Mr. Alvin Christian Grower and nursery owner
Mr. Jonah Ormond Secretary to the Board