Third Anti-Praedial Larceny Consultation

On Tuesday 21st the Anti-Praedial Larceny sub-committee of the Ministry of Agriculture held its third consultation. This meeting was held at the All Saints Secondary School for the Food Producers in the Southcentral Agricultural District.

Although the weather was very rainy and cold on that evening the meeting was the largest recorded attendees to date. As the two previous consultations held the structure was similar however, unlike them this meeting had representatives from the Royal Police Force who shed some light on very pertinent questions pertaining to praedial larceny and other related crimes.


It was disclosed and verified that the Southcentral suffers the most from Praedial Larceny. Some concerns coming out of this meeting were:

· Insufficient police patrolling

· Vendors that are selling stolen produce

· Theft of chemically treated produce

· Health hazards

· Feral pigs, other animals and monkey invasions

· Better illumination for secluded/remote areas


A brief presentation on locally available security cameras was done by a second business and like the previous meeting this stirred quite an interest with the Food Producers.


Some solutions tabled were:

· Increase policing and patrolling

· More investigation into vendors and sources of produce

· Education and traceability

· Solar-powered lights

· Solar-powered security cameras and network

· More data gathering by the ministry


The next consultation for both Northeast and Southeast will be held on Tuesday, March 7th at the Pares Secondary School commencing from 6:00p.m.