AED & LPHTC Technicians Farm Visits by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George
2025 has started and continues with the trailblazing from 2024. The synergized partnership between the Long Ping High Tech Corporation (LPHTC) and the Ministry of Agriculture without a shadow of a doubt is delivering on their agreed memorandum of understanding (MOU). From the aftermath of New Year’s Eve, several activities were already held.
On Thursday 2nd January, there was a field visit to two farms in the Northwest agricultural district by a team consisting of technicians from the LPHTC and the Agricultural Extension Division/Chinese Project. This exercise was a follow up on the broccoli production on Mr. Terell Warton and Mr. Vere Wilson farms located in Bendals.
While on both sites the LPHTC technicians made some observations and inquired on pertinent information from the producers. However, there were differences, because both farmers had different practices in comparison to the Chinese who had the same variety of broccoli planted at Green Castle Station. These were healthier and had an advanced growth pattern.
After the farms’ inspections, they then took a visit to the demo plots located at Green Castle Station so that a comparison could be seen. While on the tour, they continued the discussion on better production practices which included pest control, fertilizer application and irrigation.
In addition to the broccoli other demo vegetable plots such as a variety of peppers and cabbage were shown to the visiting farmers. Representing the AED were Mr. Victor Wade/District Officer for the Northwest District and Miss Anika Aska/Extension officer (ag)/MOA Chinese Project member. According to Miss Aska, more seedlings were being prepared for further distribution scheduled to be held in March. It is anticipated that these seedlings would expand the production for the farmers.