A NICE ENDING FOR A HORSE’S TALE by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George

On Saturday 12th October an alarming call was received by Dr. Ibrahim Allaz/Veterinary Officer in the Ministry of Agriculture’s Veterinary and Livestock Division.  Discovered was an injured and dazed in a gutter located on the Valley road in the vicinity between West Bus Station and Golden Grove was a young horse suspected to be taken and abandoned by juveniles.

Upon arrival on the scene Dr. Allaz took charge of the rescue mission and after what seemed to take an eternity, the task was accomplished with the assistance from other humane civilians.  The Equine was successfully removed, given veterinary assistance and is now recuperating in a safe and secured environment.

We, all like happy endings and the Management of the of the Ministry would like to thank everyone involved for the timely response and support given to the unfortunate situation.