Regional Training Course on Mutation Induction and Mutation Breeding by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George

The Regional Training Course on Mutation Induction and Mutation Breeding was held in Dominica during 16th to 20th September in the native island of Dominica.  Attending on behalf of Antigua and Barbuda were Mr. Jahmel Ralph/Manager-Cades Bay Agricultural Station and Miss Oneicia Anthony/District Officer and Parasitologist.

The workshop was organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) and was conducted in a high tech lab.

According to Miss Anthony the training was a timely and very informative one. “We learnt basic mutation breeding, principles of mutation, and how this application helped in crop improvement.  Other points that were taken from the training sessions were development of skills in inducing and selecting beneficial mutations for desired traits in crops, use of bio-technical tools in accelerating mutation process, effective use of seed deployment, establishing the desired traits in seeds or plants for both farmers and consumers needs and how to invest in new variety development. The mutation breeding helps in advancing Food Security and that was one of the main points I took from this workshop.  Additionally, how we can use production profiling in developing new varieties of seeds that will be resistant to drought, diseases and help in yield production,” Anthony said.

These trainings and such activities are evident that world over the fight to achieve Food Sovereignty and Security is on many Food and agriculture organizations’ radars.