Seminar on Aquaculture Development and Management for Antigua & Barbuda by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George and Ian Horsford

The Fisheries Division through the Office of the Permanent Secretary organised a broad-based contingent involving individuals from the following entities to attend the training:

  • the national and local fisheries management authorities (Fisheries Division and the Barbuda Council);
  • the Ministry of Education (education officers and heads of agricultural science programmes); and
  • the private sector (i.e., licensed aquaculture facilities).

Individuals were selected in accordance with strategies outlined in Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) Five-year Work Plan for Aquaculture Development in the Caribbean which was endorsed by the 17th (2019) Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum and subsequently approved by the CARICOM Fisheries Ministerial Council. Additionally, considerations were given to gender parity and youth involvement given the Five-year Action Plan on Gender Mainstreaming in Caribbean Fisheries; currently females accounted for 6 per cent of the individuals actively involved in fisheries including aquaculture, and only 8 per cent of individuals are under the age of thirty in Antigua and Barbuda. The training is expected to invigorate and support the development of aquaculture in Antigua and Barbuda, as well as provide formal training to private sector individuals and educators.

Personnel from the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Education Agricultural Science Department, fisher folks and other stakeholders are in the People’s Republic of China for an Aquaculture Seminar in Wuxi.  This training session was organized by Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, CAFS and will be held during 11-24 July.

Six fisheries employees based in Antigua from the Fisheries head office and the fisheries complexes on island. The group is led by Mr. John Webber, Fisheries officer who is also the group liaison officer.  Additionally, the twenty-nine participants composition includes seven teachers led by Mrs. Nicolette Francis the Agricultural Education Officer, making that, eight representatives from the Ministry of Education. Other representatives consist of Fisheries Officers and Fishers from Barbuda, Fisher folks and other Stakeholders.