Local Schools received training from LongPing Hi-Tech Corporation by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George 

Local Schools received training from LongPing Hi-Tech Corporation by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George 

On Thursday 13th June, the collaboration between the LongPing Hi-Tech Corporation, the Ministries of Education and Agriculture availed the unique opportunity for students and teachers from three schools.  Approximately fifty students and five teachers from the Jennings Secondary, the Sir Novelle Richards Academy and the Seventh Day Adventist Secondary were privileged to tour the Greencastle Agricultural Station and received hands-on information and methodology pertaining to the cultivation of several crops. This was provided by personnel from the LongPing Hi-Tech Corporation.

The Objectives this training were:

– To introduce students about the basics of different types of crops and simple cultivation    methods.

– To enhance students’ interest and understanding of agriculture.

– To improve students’ practical skills through hands-on experience.

The activities at the agricultural station were conducted on four different areas and for each section many types of crops were showcased allowing relevant techniques to be demonstrated.  These sections were for (1) Leafy Vegetables such as bok choy, a heat resistant broccoli and lettuce (2) Melons such as a wide variety of melons to include white melon (3) Fruit Trees such as Passion Fruit (4) Solanaceae such as peppers, tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes.

During the demonstrations there were at least eight translators to assist with smooth interpretation that the language barrier might impede on the participants’ comprehending the information, processes and methods courtesy of the LongPing Hi-Tech Corporation.

One of the highlights was the twined cultivation in one space of the White melon which acted a shade for the red running spinach.  There were many pointers given to the attendees and in parting from this exercise everyone received seedlings to depart with.  It is anticipated that they would be inclined to start their backyard gardens or add to for those who already have.

It is hopeful that the next time around participants from Barbuda would be included and although every effort was made by the Ministry of Education for their involvement as it happened that didn’t materialize.  However, all wasn’t lost because Mrs. Nicolette Francis, Education Officer for Agriculture Science secured seedlings that will be sent tomorrow to the Barbudan students.

“I have a wonderful team of teachers who are dedicated, enthusiastic and committed to developing the Agricultural Science program. A special thanks to the teachers – Mrs. Lee Williams, Mrs. Patrick and Mr. Peters – for bringing their students to the field activity today. I hope that a similar exercise will be extended to primary and preschool students in the new academic year”, said Mrs. Francis.

Minister E P Chet Greene and officials from the Ministry of Agriculture expressed profound gratitude to the Chinese Government and the LongPing Hi-Tech Corporation for the collaboration, the expertise and joint projects that have been and continues to extend the Antigua and Barbuda Government, the Nation, the Agricultural sector et al.