2nd Session of the Caribbean Lab Network & 3rd Session for the SoilCare Support Group by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George


2nd Session of the Caribbean Lab Network & 3rd Session for the SoilCare Support Group


Joint meetings hosted by the Partnership Initiative on Sustainable Land Management (PISLM) were held in Port of Spain, Trinidad during 23rd and 24th May. Representing Antigua/Barbuda and the Ministry of Agriculture was Mr. Vernon Eden Bird, (Graduate Assistant/Analytical Services).

2nd Session of the Caribbean Lab Soil Network (CARSOLAN)

Addressed the following matters:

  • Reviewed the COTED Mandate
  • Identified the role of members in the execution of SoilCare Project Phase II
  • Identified the group’s role in the 25 by 25 Initiative

While 3rd Session for the SoilCare Support Group (CSSG)

Addressed the matters pertaining to:

  • The Group’s role in PISLM Executive Committee
  • Identified the role of members in the execution of SoilCare Project Phase II
  • Identified the group’s role in the 25 by 25 Initiative

According to Mr. Bird, the discussions in both meetings were very similar, in the Caribbean Lab Network meeting focus was placed on the Caribbean Soil Lab Network (CARSOLAN) revisiting the terms of reference and rules of procedures. However, documentation regarding these were distributed to the attendees for their inputs which would be deferred to the next meeting to be held virtually. The main function of CARSOLAN is to support labs across the Caribbean ensuring that they would have a high level of standards, quality and proficient laboratory work. CARSOLAN is an arm of the Global Soil Lab Network (GLOSOLAN) with the goal to assist all the Caribbean labs to the GLOSOLAN standards.

The second meeting focused on phase II of the SoilCare project which is scheduled for 2025.  It is expected that the eight countries from phase I (Antigua/Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica and St. Lucia) would assist the six newcomers in phase II (Bahamas, Dominica, St. Kitts/Nevis, St. Vincent, Suriname and Trinidad/Tobago) by providing training and capacity building.

Additionally, focus was placed on the project document for phase II was perused and tweaked using lessons learnt from phase I in an effort to expedite the process.  The SOIL DOCTORS PROGRAMME was also credited for the contribution made through capacity building in the countries in regards to Sustainable Soil Management.