WORLD BEE DAY 2024 by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George

WORLD BEE DAY 2024 by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George

Who would imagine that it take one (1) million flowers and fifty thousand (50,000) to produce one (1) kilogram (kg) of honey.  According to the United Nation’s (UN) report these are the requirements that quantity of honey production.

More and more we are realizing the importance of bees and other “Pollinators” in relations to Food Security and sustainable development.  Sadly, pollinators such as bees, butterflies, bats and hummingbirds are under threat and globally thirty-five (35) percent of invertebrate pollinators and seventeen (17) percent of vertebrate pollinators faces extinction.

This year the theme “Bee engaged with Youth” was selected for this day, in recognition of the tremendous role that youth can be involved in beekeeping and the conservation of these pollinators.  This campaign was designed to heighten awareness and more involvement of the youth and other stakeholders.

We are all encouraged to foster more diverse agricultural practices, agricultural systems and reduce the usage of toxic chemicals in order pollination to increase.  These would improve food quality and quantity, benefiting human population and the ecosystem.

Please remember that most of the fruits and vegetables we consume would not exist without bees and other pollinators.  They are essential in the fight against Zero Hunger, Food Security and the World’s Biodiversity. 

Therefore, the call is for the youth et al to BEE WISE, BEE SMART and BEE A KEEPER in the BEE Campaign for we all depend on the survival of BEES.