Backyard Garden meetings Restarted by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George

On Tuesday 30th April, the first Backyard Garden meeting since the Covid Pandemic was held at the Agricultural Extension Division located in the Old PDO building. It was customary for this forum to meet regularly before the Pandemic however this was disrupted for several reasons.

Miss Efuru Elihu and Mr. Ayo Simon, backyard garden facilitators felt that this meeting was a timely one especially since it also was a meet and greet event.

The number of backyard gardeners has grown tremendously during and post the COVID pandemic.   The meeting was organized for the introduction of the new gardeners and was an opportunity for the established gardeners to mingle with their fellow colleagues.

“Going forward meetings will be held every last Tuesday in the month, therefore, the next one will be held on 28th May”, explained Miss Elihu.

A synopsis of the programme and the closing remarks were done by Mr. Ika Fergus, Agricultural Extension Officer. There were approximately forty (40) plus gardeners in attendance.