APRIL POULTRY SEMINAR by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George

On Thursday 25th the Veterinary and Livestock Division held its monthly Poultry Seminar.  Since last month the focus has been on typical poultry diseases.  Featured then were the diseases “Coccidia and Mycotoxins” and this month continued with another disease known as “Newcastle Disease“.

Newcastle disease  in chicken is a highly contagious viral infection caused by avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 virus among poultry, wild birds and caged birds. Depending on the strain, Newcastle disease can have a fatality rate of 100% with little to no symptoms. The viral part of Newcastle disease affects the respiratory system. It presents itself as an acute respiratory illness and also compromises the digestive system as well as the nervous system.
The information was presented by both Dr. Chere Kellman and Dr. Ibrahim Allaz.  Sadly, there was only one poultry farmer in attendance.  The data shared at these seminars are very important but yet the numbers of participants are dwindling.  Both veterinarians are however hopeful that these numbers shall increase in the upcoming months.