The Burton Brothers from Burkes; pioneers in Sweet Potato production
.The Burton Brothers from Burkes; pioneers in Sweet Potato production by Ika Fergus
Sweet Potato, known scientifically as (Ipomoea batatas), is a root crop that is grown by many farmers across the five main Agricultural districts in Antigua and Barbuda, due to its drought tolerance and versatility. However, the crop is predominantly cultivated in the Southecentral and Southeastern farming communities.
Recognized globally as a highly nutritious and rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, the tuber has become a valuable crop and a mainstay for the livelihood security of farmers, especially during these unprecedented times of Climate variability, which continues to negatively impact water availability for Agriculture.
With over thirty (30) years of experience in farming, Philmore and Bobby Burton have been known as Stallworths in Sweet Potato production. Infamous for cultivating over twenty (20) self-proclaimed varieties of sweet potato at their seventeen (17) acre farmholding in the Burkes Agricultural settlement, the Burton Brothers have contributed meaningfully to socio-economic and cultural importance of this crop. Over the past years, the duo have also worked with key Agricultural instutions such as CARDI and the Agricultural Extension Division, by providing knowledge as well as planting materials (cuttings) to bolster Education, Training and Capacity Building initiatives.
Among some of the self-proclaimed varieties customarily grown by the Burtons include Cooly Gal, Eat Now, Masterpiece, Ube, Athill and Kerry, which have garnered much attention particularly from the usual Saturday Market customers, due to their quality, size, taste and wide array of colours.
Personally as an Extensionist within the Ministry of Agriculture, I have gained considerable knowledge and insights in sweet potato production from the Burtons. Their ingenuity, humility and willingness to share knowledge and experience with others has been gratifying, and a testimony to their passion and dedication to Agriculture.
Apart from being providers of sustenance, farmers are crucial to ensuring Food Security. The Burton Brothers have truly played their part in this regard, and must be commended for their commitment and passion in advancing the relevance of this essential and nutrient dense staple crop not only in Burkes, but Antigua and Barbuda on a whole.