EARTH DAY    by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George


 This symbolic day began fifty-four (54) years ago, meaning that the first “Earth Day” was in 1970.   Additionally, many mobilized Americans created an environmental movement called EARTHDAY.ORG.  Since then to present time, billions of activists spanning from countries worldwide are on the quest of saving our home, planet EARTH from ultimate annihilation.

One of the many plights that our endangered Earth faces is the manufacturing of PLASTICS. This year, Earthday. Org. under the theme “Planet vs. Plastics” launched a campaign and an unwavering commitment to 60% reduction of the production of plastics by 2040 in effort of saving human and planetary health.

With only sixteen (16) more years to achieve the 2040 outcome, the time for action is now and onwards without failure.  Globally, all consumers are expected to continue or begin to recycle, reduce, reuse and repair in their persona as their individualized effort towards this lifesaving goal.  Likewise, Manufacturers also are expected to adhere to the call and join in the survival mode for our beloved Planet, Earth.