Community Development & Citizens’ Engagement Division Agricultural Workshops
Community Development & Citizens’ Engagement Division Agricultural Workshops by Carol-Faye Bynoe-George
The Community Development and Citizens’ Engagement Division (CDCED) under the theme “Think Beautification for the Nation’s Health and Wealth” recently held four workshops on April 9th and 11th at the Pares Secondary School and then duplicated these training sessions on April 16th and 18th at the Department of Environment’s (DOE) conference room.
The main aim for the workshops was to assist homeowners, backyard gardeners, young producers, participants of the 2024 Home and Gardens Festival and interested persons in the areas of Budding and Grafting, Horticulture, Stone gardening, Backyard Gardening and Pest Control.
The venues for these workshops were chosen to accommodate persons living within specific areas to have better access. However, those held at the DOC were much better attended.
The CDCED launched its 2024 Home Garden Beautification Festival in January at the 2023 Awards Ceremony which was held at Avec Amor. It is customary for the division to offer these workshops annually with similar exercises held in Barbuda.
The Director and staff of the CDCED extend profound gratitude to the facilitators, the DOE and the participants who time out of their busy schedules to attend these workshops.