Agricultural Extension Officers on the Move part 5 (Soil Doctor programme)

On Monday 15th April, several female farmers known as the “Coconut Queens” were the next set of producers that received training under the Soil Doctor programme.  The session was conducted by Miss Oneicia Anthony, Agricultural Extension Officers for the Southwest District.  The workshop was held from 5:00 to 7:00 in the Agricultural Extension Division located in the old PDO building.

The participants received training in testing the soil for inorganic and organic matters, and soil Ph.   The participants were Nicole Browne, Slyvaneta Charles, Theresa Joseph, Taril Walker-Bowen and Bernadine Davis.  “It was a good session, the ladies brought soil samples from their farms and the tests were shown to them then they each had to demonstrate the procedures”, reported Miss Anthony.

Similar and other trainings will be available and interested persons can either contact their district officers, the Agricultural Extension Division, the Ministry’s Face book page, website or the Communications department within the Ministry of Agriculture.