IICA host Making Climate Action Self-Financing Through Viable EbA/NbS Livelihood & Green Business Discussion via zoom
In celebration of World International Mother Earth Day (IMED) on Monday, April 22, 2024, the Caribbean Climate Responsive Agriculture Forum (CCRAF) is excited to be collaborating with the IICA Trinidad and Tobago Delegation to bring you an inspiring and practical session on Making Climate Action Self-Financing Through Viable EbA/NbS Livelihood & Green Business to discuss the real and relative costs of community-based green livelihoods and businesses as viable tools to drive, mainstream, and sustain nature-based and ecosystem-based adaptation and geoengineering solutions for climate action.
This session seeks to provide:
Greater clarity on the real and relative costs of offering vetiver-based geoengineering services for soil erosion control/slope stabilization and the readiness of the market (national and regional) to embrace this alternative, i.e.., are EbA/NbS approaches effective/efficient/realistic in the absence of short-term external projects.
Scoping of opportunities and strategies to improve the positioning and outlook for competitive EbA/NbS livelihoods and businesses, i.e., exploring the real & comparative costs and financial/time investments needed to move these interventions from project budgets to private business
Please share among your networks. We look forward to your participation.
Title: Making Climate Action Self-Financing Through Viable EbA/NbS Livelihood & Green Business
Time: 08:00 Belize, 09:00 Jamaica, 10:00 EST, 11:00 Suriname
Location: Virtual via ZOOM
Registration: https://iica.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkc-yoqz8qG9M3AgvKABPAWKp2XQ65iyyO#/registration