Agricultural Officers on the Move part 4

Soil Doctor Training continues

On Tuesday 9th April five farmers from the Southwest agricultural district were trained by Oneicia Anthony, Agricultural Extension Officer.  Areas in which they were trained in included Soil Ph balance, organic and inorganic matter.

Two farms were selected to conduct the soil tests and each of the farmers took turns in demonstrating the methods that they learnt.  “I want to thank my farmers, Steffon Jacobs, Nzingha Davis, Carmen Simon, Murphy Parker and Gregg Vallery for taking time out of their busy schedules to receive the training”, said Ms Anthony.

To date a total of nine farmers from the Southwest District have receive the Soil Doctor training.  There are many benefits to be obtained from the programme and all producers are invited to get trained.  Interested farmers or backyard gardeners can contact the Agricultural Extension Division or your district officers.