2nd Southwest Farmers Market
The second Southwest Farmers Market for 2024 was held on Wednesday 28th February. This market was larger than the one held in January and it was one of a kind. Indeed, it was one with a difference because a part from the regular shoppers forty (40) grade two students from the St. John’s Catholic Primary School attended this market.
The students were given tours on two of the nearby farms by Miss Oneicia Anthony and Anika Aska both of whom are agricultural officers in the Agricultural Extension Division. Afterwards, the youngsters accompanied by four of their teachers and five parents visited the stalls and made purchases of fruits, vegetables and other items.
The children were all beaming with excitement and curiosity of all they saw and were especially fascinated with a large cow grazing in close proximity of the market. Then came the surprise, all of the grade 2C and 2R pupils were rewarded with candies and frozen treats prepared especially for them made from naturally grown fruits. The treats, locally called iced pops were made from carrot, coconut, golden apple, lemon, mango and sorrel were the delights of the day and were most welcomed by the young visitors.
The agricultural officers indicated to them that the two main fruits grown in the area were mango and the Antigua Black Pineapple while the main vegetables were pumpkin, casava and sweet potato.
Around mid-day the school bus arrived and even though the sun was high and scorching, hesitantly they slowly waddled towards their transport and reluctantly mounted the step. On lookers realized that departing for these children was indeed deep sorrow. However, they knew that the visit to this market most likely wont be the last.