The High Nature Value Index (HNVI) and Climate Smart Agriculture Compliant (C-SAC) Tool Training of Trainers Workshop

The CSIDS SOILCARE Phase 1 project, launched in August 2022 in Antigua & Barbuda, is a regional initiative aimed at bolstering the resilience of Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) through integrated landscape restoration and sustainable food systems. Guided by the Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (PISLM), the project thus far  has completed a national soil survey, conducted soil lab assessments, and provided capacity building opportunities for technical officers and farmers in Antigua & Barbuda

Under Component 3, Extension Officers from Antigua attended a training course in Guyana in 2023 to utilize the High Nature Value Index (HNVI) and Climate-Smart Agriculture Compliant (C-SAC) tools, with the aim of subsequently training their colleagues in administering the CSAC tool to farmers. The project further supported the Agriculture Extension Division (AED) in hosting a training of trainer’s  workshop on HNVI and C-SAC on 13th-14th February 2024, with participation from approximately thirty-six technicians and farmers from the  Ministry of Agriculture. The sessions were facilitated by local HNVI & C-SAC trainers and Agricultural Officers Ms. Petranilla Estreada and Mr. Kenrick Francis.

The workshop provided both theoretical and practical training components  for the HNVI/C-SAC tool, emphasizing its objectives, application, and benefits for extension officers and farmers. Trainers stressed that combining HNVI/C-SAC with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) is essential for ensuring a sustainable agricultural sector, land conservation, environmental preservation, and food security. The tool facilitates baseline data collection from farmers to assess the sustainability of their farming practices. Training outcomes will enhance extension officers’ ability to explain the HNVI-C-SAC approach to farmers and audit local farms to determine their C-SAC level using twenty-question evaluation criteria. Compliance is evaluated based on a hundred-point scale and interpretation of the C-SAC polygon.

The expertise will increase the tool’s regional recognition, facilitating the assessment and quantification of climate-smart farms and their sustainable practices. Extension officers will apply C-SAC parameters to evaluate local farms, processes, and products for Climate-Smart Agriculture compliance. This will lead to establishing a system for encouraging farmers to adopt climate-smart practices, obtain certification, and market healthier produce yielding increased value. This is part of a wider initiative that will assist in developing regional guidelines for Climate Smart Agriculture in Caribbean SIDS, identifying connections with Global Soil Doctors Training, and highlighting areas for enhancement.

The Ministry of Agriculture extends profound gratitude to all its partners, PISLM,  Global Soil Partnership (GSP), UN Food and Agricultural Organization (UN-FAO), CARDI, IICA and Mr. Neil Gomes for the use of his farm as the demonstration site.