The progress of Buckleys Primary School Poultry Project

The Buckleys Primary school chicks are now laying. Last September through the very kind donation from Mr. Alan Osborne, the students of the Buckleys Primary School under the supervision of Mrs. Rhonda Gage, nurtured six chicks and they survived.  Presently they are all mature enough that they are laying eggs daily.

“Having the chicks spiked the interest of more and more students.  To my surprise, even my fellow teachers are exhibiting very keen interests into our agriculture project, Mrs. Gage said.

Mrs. Nicolette Francis, Education Officer at the Ministry of Education responsible for Agriculture Science is very pleased with the progress and success story at the school, additionally she expresses profound gratitude to Mr. Osborne for his timely and much needed contribution to Buckleys Primary School Agri culture Science project.

According to Mrs. Francis, this sort of commitment, hard work and motivation demonstrated by Mrs. Gage is sufficient to foster more support from the ministry.  This assistance will enable further expansion and diversification of the project.  Plans are already in the making for some crop production.

It must be noted that no matter how small, all it takes is a start.  Food Security should be everyone’s concern and the fight would be made light once all did their part and contribute in whatever way possible.

This primary school has stepped in the right direction and hopefully others would do likewise.