Veterinary & Livestock Division hosted first 2024 Poultry Seminar

The first Poultry Seminar for 2024 was held on Thursday 25th January at the Multipurpose Center.  Since September 2023 Dr. Chere Kellman of the Veterinary and Livestock Division has been hosting these sessions for the poultry farmers.  To date five seminars have been held and there are over sixty (60) registered poultry farmers, however the seminars were poorly attended.

The agenda for the first seminar was a continuation of the last one held in November 2023.  Due to insufficient time only some of the topics were discussed.  Deliberated then were (a) the proper procedures and modalities in applying and the collection for birds, (b) cleaning and disinfecting poultry houses.  2024 first meeting was a continuance and completion of the November’s seminar which dealt with the last item on the agenda RECORD KEEPING.

It is an observation of the ministry that for most parts “RECORD KEEPING” was a deficiency and most farmers were delinquents in this area which is extremely important for their business.  Properly kept records are vital tools for good investments and further development of any businesses.  From records business owners can observe either growth or reduction in the business performance and determine ways forward.

One of the main concerns/constraints reported by the participants in relation to record keeping was Time and they gave the impression that it was a very tedious and consuming task.  Dr. Kellman implored upon them the necessity and importance of this aspect of their business especially for those seeking monetary assistance from lending institutions.  Further she reiterated that supplying data to the ministry would enable the technicians to ascertain better decisions pertaining to importation of birds, eggs, licenses and other assistance they would be seeking.  Simply put she asked them to help themselves and in doing so it would also make more allowance for the Ministry of Agriculture to assist them and the sector much more.

Further discussions led Dr. Kellman to admit that the ministry too has its deficiencies however she explained these areas were reported to management and hopefully they would be addressed.  Several suggestions were tabled in regards to record keeping.  These included that ministry staff members conducting regular site visits to ascertain the data, sending information via electronic means such as WhatsApp, email and telephone calls.  Other suggestions included forms to be filled out both on paper or online.  It was decided that these options would be considered for the best possible means to motivate application and submission of the data.

Farmers need to appreciate the importance of these seminars because of information and experiences sharing by those in attendance.  The main purpose of these meetings was designed to support, enhance and further develop their businesses   Moreover, the producers need to recognize the Ministry of Agriculture’s efforts, time and commitment which are extended to better serve them and build the sector.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 29th February.