Foreign Agricultural Service Training on Meat and Poultry Inspection System
From November 6th to 10th, Dr. Chere Kellman participated in a Meat and Poultry Inspection Training. This training was organized by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in collaboration with the United Stated Agency for International Development (USAID) and was held in Atlanta, Georgia.
The main focus of this training was “Food Safety”, specifically meats that were exported and imported. There were many factors to be considered especially since different countries have specific requirements, standards and penalties.
Some matters presented and discussed for the first three days were:
· An overview of USDA APHIS
· Diseases Surveillance and Regulations
· Foreign Animal Disease Diagnosticians
· Trade
· National Poultry Improvement Plan
· HACCP Methodology
· Product Classification based on HACCP Category
· Listeria monocytogenes – Verification
· Humane Slaughter
· E. coli Tests STEC’s in certain Beef Products
· Performance Standards for Salmonella & Campylobacter
· FSIS Equivalence Determinations Imports
· National Residue Programme: FSIS Residue Testing
· Listeria monocytogenes – Verification
· PHIS Export Component
· FSIS Export Certification
· FSIS Import Inspection/Refused Entries
On the fourth day November 9th, participants were taken on a tour of Wayne Sanderson Farms Poultry Plant and while there they were made privy to the operations of the facility. This was followed by another tour on the following day to the Georgia Poultry Laboratory Facility and Agile Cold Storage Facility.
According to Dr. Kellman, this exposure was an eye-opener to many areas, the lessons learned were immeasurable and definitely information that would be shared with her peers.
ACRONYMS and their full meanings
FSIS – Food Safety and Inspection Service
HACCP – Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
PHIS – Public Health Information System
STEC – Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli
APHIS – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service