On Tuesday 14th October the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) held a workshop for farmers and extension officers.  This was an information sharing and training session hosted by Mr. Junior Greene, CARDI representative.

The main workshop objectives included:

  • The pests that affect the sweet potato and cassava (cassava horn worm, shoot fly, change bug and the bacteria blight in cassava)
  • The management of these pests (chemicals used, culture control, physical control and chemical control)
  • Pest cycles
  • Growth cycle of the cassava (the two stages)
  • Root systems of the cassava
  • Bio-stimulants (those that have Cytokinins, Cytokins, Gibberelic i.e., when and how they are to be used)
  • Fertilizer applications (rate of application and when to be done)

Afterwards, there was a tour of the CARDI farm to look at a demonstration on the crops, pests and the germplasm.  It was a very interactive session a fair exchange of information and experiences.  “We had farmers, representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture to include Director Bailey, a representative from Diamonds as well.  To me it was well attended”, Mr. Greene said.