Celebration of Antigua and Barbuda’s 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with the People’s Republic of China
Date: 10th November, 2023
Time: 4:00p.m.
Theme: Antigua and Barbuda and the People’s Republic of China’s Partnership in Promoting Agriculture in the 21st Century
Venue: Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
Chairperson: Mr. Xia Xiaowei
1. National Anthems
2. Opening Remarks Chairperson
3. Brief Remarks Mr. Gregory Bailey, Director of Agriculture
4. Brief Remarks Mr. Neil Gomes, Farmer
5. Remarks H.E. Ambassador Zhang Yanling, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Antigua and Barbuda
6. Remarks Hon. E.P. Chet Greene, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Trade and Barbuda Affairs
7. Video Presentation Mr. Jianxin Liu representing Mr. Longping…
8. Distribution of Gifts H.E. Ambassador Zhang Yanling, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Antigua and Barbuda
9. Acknowledgements Ms. Abashena Ralph, Backyard Farmer
10. Vote of Thanks Mr. Owolabi Elabanjo, Chief Extension Officer
Brief Remarks by Mr. Gregory Bailey, Director of Agriculture
It is an honor to address this distinguished gathering on this auspicious occasion. I join in extending our warmest greetings and heartfelt welcome to all our esteemed guests, under the theme “Antigua and Barbuda and the People’s Republic of China’s Partnership in Promoting Agriculture in the 21st Century”. Today, we come together among other things, to embrace diversity, celebrate unity, the power of community collaboration and the strength that lies within. We assemble not just for an event, but for the celebration of human connection and the pursuit of a greater purpose.
As we interact together with colleagues, stakeholders and development partners, united by a common purpose and shared passion which includes, improved economic development through improved Agriculture, it is imperative that we recognize and support the work of our primary producers i.e.; our farmers and the pivotal role they play in building and maintaining the ecological and economic foundation for our National Food and Nutrition Security.
The production supporting materials which are being contributed by the People’s Republic of China to the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, through the farming community is recognizing the key role our farmers play in nation building and must be seen as an investment towards such; further maintaining a basis for the continued sharing of ideas, experiences, knowledge and skills, between both countries. In this regards, I challenge relevant Divisions within our Ministry of Agriculture and our Chinese counterparts to ensure that the use of these resources are optimize by adding value to their various work programs and also to ensure that direct beneficiary farmers share their experiences in the form of best practices e.g. in areas of water use efficiency, pest management and use of technology at the farm level. All towards the benefit of the rest of the farming community in Antigua and Barbuda.
I am also aware that our Chinese counterparts will continue to learn through their exposure and interaction under local conditions. This is very important since it is my understanding that the resources which are being invested are intended to support the production of higher value non-traditional commodities and varieties which have high market demand, but, can pose some challenges based on potential cultural and agronomic unfamiliarity. Central to this success will be our ability to synergistically combine efforts and document the upcoming field experiences in a manner that can be properly analyzed, with a view to scientifically move the process forward.
In concluding, I look forward to the productive interactions that lie ahead and our future mutually beneficial collaborations.