On Wednesday 18th October, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in collaboration with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) hosted a training workshop for farmers and extension officers in Antigua and similarly, one was held in Barbuda a few weeks prior. These training sessions were on “Monitoring and Evaluation of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Interventions which is an event within the framework of the project “Addressing the Water-Energy Nexis in Agriculture” under the Mexico-CARICOM-FAO Initiative “Cooperation for Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change in the Caribbean.”

The WEF Nexus Project is a Resilience Caribbean Initiative that aims to foster the capacity to manage Water Security, Energy Security and Food Security within the region. Further, the project supports natural resource management by providing an integrated framework for evaluation and decision-making.

The resilience Caribbean has three components:

  • Strengthening institutional capacities in CARICOM countries on resilient livelihoods and well-being through South-South Cooperation;
  • Facilitating access of CARICOM countries to climate and environmental finance for resilience and adaptation to Climate Change;
  • Efficient and effective project management.

The participants were trained in monitoring and evaluating the negative effects of Climate Change in the Agriculture sector, so that they would be able to make better assessments and advise farmers and decision-makers in making more practical decisions for the betterment of the sector pertaining to Water Security, Energy Security and Food Security.

These activities were facilitated by Dr. Lia van Wesenbeeck, Director ACWFS, and Mr. Ben Sonneveld, Deputy Director ACWFS/ Associated Professor.