The IWRMCCAM workshop was jointly hosted by the United Nations Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) on Wednesday 11th. Present were representatives and participants from over eighteen (18) organizations, farmers and technicians from various sections within the MOA.

This workshop was a synergy between FAO and its partners that willing collaborated in making this sensitization effort a tremendous success. All at this forum were full informed on relevant, related and intricate information via presentations done by Antigua Public Utility Authority (APUA), Caribbean Agriculture Regional Development Institute (CARDI), Growtech 1, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Meteorological Office (MET), FAO WEF/MOA and AED.

All of these presentations were in keeping with the 2023 World Food Day theme “Water is Food. Water is Life. Leave no one behind”.

· IICA presentation demonstrated all the projects that were executed or ongoing on both islands as an effort to combat against water scarcity and conservation. It was presented by Mr. Craig Thomas, IICA’s National Specialist.

· The Meteorological (MET) reporting was done by Mr. Orvin Paige, Climatologist, he conducted a reflection and comparison for the last thirty (30) years of the annual precipitation which showed a reduction yearly. Additionally, he reiterated that the data collected would be shared free of cost to the farmers to determine when and what to plant based on the wetter months.

· Growtech 1 representative Mr. Bradbury Browne assured the participants especially the farmers that his company can provide the technical support pertaining to several options available for irrigation and conservation at more affordable cost.

· APUA overview of APUA water production systems – the impact of drought for the past three years which illustrated the current water crisis, the challenges, the intensions to be more efficient in providing water and futuristic plans were outlined by Mr. Livingston Samuel, Supervisor of production – APUA Water Business Unit.

· CARDI presentation was on Climate smart agriculture which focused on growing crops that are more resistant to temperature and precipitation extremes, understanding the crops grown and correlate between weather patterns, types of crops grown and the time of year to foster better yields and harvesting was delivered by Junior Greene, CARDI representative.

· FOA/WEF overview of the project, its relevance and the collaboration with other partners and stakeholders was done by Brent Georges, Projects coordinator for the MOA.

· AED Water Conservation techniques were presented by Victor Wade, Extension Officer for MOA.

“Invariably, water is a key determinant to Agricultural production in Antigua and Barbuda and continues to play a vital role in our campaign towards achieving Food Security.”

“As a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), widely characterized as drought-prone and water-scarce, this year’s World Food Day theme is of particular significance and relevance to us here in Antigua and Barbuda, as our twin-island state continue to be disproportionately impacted by the changing climate, which has negatively impacted overall Agricultural output and productivity”, said Ika Fergus, Senior Extension Officer and FAO National Correspondent.

The Ministry of Agriculture is currently receiving support from the FAO through its Technical Cooperation Programme, to reposition itself towards a more modernized and sustainable approach, which is predicated on building resilience in our farming communities to ensure the 4 Betters initiative: better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life – in line with our national food production priorities, while managing risks relative to broader social and economic water-related impacts.