The Agricultural Extension Division (AED) highlight for the 2023 World Food Day was a Seedling Distribution and a Veggie Fair held on the very day of the celebration, Monday 16th October.
The grounds of the old PDO building now AED Office came alive and bustling with visitors that were eagerly roaming from stall to stall receiving or purchasing their goodies. Available were fruits, infused water samplings, Seedling giveaways, sweet treats, soaps, vegetables, wines and much more.
The event attracted several schools such as: All Saints Secondary, Antigua Grammar School, Glanville Secondary, Ottos Comprehensive School, Pigotts, Buckley’s and Nelvie N. Gore Primary schools (formerly Willikies Primary). All of these like many others: both government and private learning institutions have an active Agricultural Science programme as part of their curriculum. The Ministry of Education through its Agricultural Science department was a supporting partner and used the opportunities to expose and impress upon students the importance of Agriculture, the ability to produce food via traditional, new innovative and technical procedures in an effort to secure the availability of FOOD. ” The Ministry of Education Agricultural Science Department is excited to collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture to distribute seeds and seedlings to various primary and secondary schools on the island. This collaboration will increase crop production in the schools on Antigua and Barbuda”, said Mrs. Nicolette Francis, Education Officer for Agricultural Science.
For the past week, AED hosted a series of “World Food Day” commemorative events such as workshops all of which were reflective of the 2023 theme “Water is Food. Water is Life. Leave no one behind”. These forums were pertaining to water related interests/topics regarding Climate Change, Hydroponics, Irrigation, Storage, Water Conservation and Water Harvesting.
Among the supporters was Minister E P Chet Greene, the Minister of Agriculture, who the very day returned home from attending another government’s duty. Nevertheless, the Minister determined to demonstrate his support and commitment was very present, engaging and extended an invitation to the vendors and agro-processors to participate in an upcoming event in St. Paul’s on the 28th October. “It is essential that we recognize the criticality of water as the source of life and the foundation of our sustenance. Beyond its instrumental role in crop irrigation, water supports livestock, enables food processing and enhance the nutritional values of our produce. With this understanding, we prioritize the efficient and responsible utilization of water resources, preserving this invaluable asset for future generation”, Minister Greene said.
The Seedlings Distribution and Veggie Fair was a collaborative venture between the Ministry of Agriculture through the AED, FAO and CARDI. “Today’s event is a success because of the joint efforts and support of the AED and its partners. The overwhelming support from the farmers, gardeners, Agro-processors, the various teachers, students and the general public has been invaluable, and clearly demonstrates that Agriculture is alive and well in Antigua and Barbuda.”
I would like to give special recognition and thanks to the AED World Food Day team for their hard work and unwavering commitment through-out this year’s events. More specifically, this is our first Seedling Distribution in conjunction with a Veggie Fest, and judging from the positive vibes,
enthusiasm, and buzz which this event has created, we are hopeful to have a similar function before the end of the year. Ika Fergus, Extension Officer, and FAO National Correspondent.