Rural Women Cultivating Good Food for ALL” is this year’s theme for International Day of Rural Women.  This recognition started fifteen years ago by the UN General Assembly established it in a resolution 62/136 of on 18th December, 2007, celebration commenced from 15th October, 2008.  This was done to identify and highlight the pivotal contribution and function of women in Agriculture, Rural Development, Improving Food Security and Eliminating Poverty especially in the rural areas of the world.

Locally, like most places our female farmers and Agro-processors are rural women.  However, unlike most place they are very respected and receive the necessary support and assistance they need. On island, this assistance is given through International Organizations like CARDI, FAO, IICA and locally from GARDC and the Ministry of Agriculture. The support ranges from trainings, donations of farming implements, seeds/planting materials and other concessions.

It can be said that there is “Gender Equality” within the Agricultural sector unlike the stories that are circulated of other countries pertaining to the “Rights and Equality” of their women and girls.  The Ministry of Agriculture pays tribute to our female producers and enterprises for their sterling contribution towards Food Safety, Security, Sovereignty and Zero Hunger, thus Leaving No One Behind.


Local Agricultural businesses owned and operated by females

Farms/Backyard gardens/Agro-businesses TYPE Owners/Managers
SEAZONZ – LETTUCES HYDROPONIC Margo Forde, Roberta Williams & Carolyn McCoy
Bajez Soaps AGRO-PROCESSING Cheryl Samuel


WEAVERS FARM MIXED FARM Mitsey Weaver, Annell Weaver & Beverly Weaver-Samuel
Echelon Enterprise Farm GRAPES & BERRIES Julia Roberts
Nzinga Vege & Seedlings Farm Vegetable & Seedlings Marilena Davis aka Nzinga
Beth’s Buy Pure Organic Honey Beekeeping Nicole Browne
Mek-Um Brandz268 Agro-processing Noelia King
El Unikue Enterprise Agro-processing Elise Maudlyn Phillip
  Crop Farming Roseann Pyle
Mavis Fishing Enterprise


Fish vending/ Fishing gear & materials Merchant Mavis George
DeBees Agro-processing/Beekeeping Davina Joyce
  Fishing Shinel Leo
MBS Enterprise Hydroponic Farming Mrs. Monique Barrow


More women working in the Agricultural Sector in Antigua and Barbuda

Professions – Placement Roles/positions Names
Veterinary Services – Veterinary & Livestock Div./ Ministry of Agriculture Veterinarian Dr. Diandra Payne

Dr. Chere Kellman

Dr. Nneka Hull-James

Pestology – Extension Division/

Ministry of Agriculture

Pestologist Ms. Oniecia Anthony
Livestock Division – Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Officer Ms. Diahann Gomes
Statistics, IT & Research Department – Ministry of Agriculture Researcher/Data collector


Lab technician/Instructor

Ms. Emerald David

Mrs. Anesta Edwards

Ms. Bernella Vidal

Agricultural Extension Division – Ministry of Agriculture Backyard garden Facilitator

Agricultural Assistant III

Ms. Efuru Elihu

Mrs. Petranilla Estreada-Joseph

GARDC Executive Director Mrs. June Jackson
Forestry Unit – Ministry of Agriculture Forestry Assistant Mrs. Camillia Wallace-Tonge
Plant Protection Unit – Ministry of Agriculture Chief Plant Protection Officer Dr. Janil Gore-Francis
Sir Novelle Richards Secondary School – Ministry of Education


Agricultural Science Teacher Ms. Elise Phillip
SDA Secondary School Agricultural Science Teacher Mrs. Yonette Patrick
Ministry of Education Agricultural Science Education Officer Mrs. Nicolette Francis
Ministry of Agriculture Senior Research Officer Mrs. Maude Vere Bradford
Agricultural Extension Division Agricultural Extension Officer Ms. Anika Aska
CARDI Seeds Lab Assistant Ms. Carol Josiah
JAL TRAINING & CONSULTANCY SERVICES Agricultural consultant/Trainer Ms. Julie-

Ann Laudat

The Ministry of Agriculture would like to implore upon females to keeping on striving as it has been seen over the years that more and more women have and everyday been expanding their scopes within the sector.  Further, the Ministry would like to extend heartfelt congratulations and wish All in a happy “International Day of Rural Women” and Kudos to All of the WOMEN in Agriculture!