The Veterinary Division’s Poultry Workshop
On Thursday 28th September, the Veterinary Division held its first of a series of Poultry workshops at the Multipurpose Centre. The aim of these workshops is to familiarize the poultry farmers with the expected “STANDARDS” of their operations.
Thursday’s meeting focused on the layout of the farm. This included adequate structures and sizes to accommodate the birds, proper feed storage facilities, proper storage and disposal of the bird droppings, proper area for change of employee clothing, footbath and other topics discussed were rodents/pest control and prevention, use of bird droppings and the sanitation of working areas.
The workshop was well attended and the upcoming workshops are scheduled for every last Thursday of each month and the next is scheduled for 26th October, 2023. The facilitators were Dr. Chere Kellman, Veterinarian and Ms. Dianne Gomes, Livestock Officer within the Veterinary and Livestock Division in the Ministry of Agriculture.
All Poultry farmers are encouraged to attend these two-hour sessions which promise to be very informative and beneficial.