A workshop was organized as part of the Multicountry Soil Management Initiative for Integrated Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Food Systems: phase 1 (CSIDS – SOILCARE Phase 1) an ongoing project of the Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (PISLM).
CSIDS – SOILCARE High Nature Value Index & Climate-Smart Agriculture Compliance Training was the name given to this workshop which was held from September 27th to 29th in Guyana. Attended on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture were Mrs. Petranilla Estreada-Joseph, Agricultural Assistant III and Mr. Kenrick Francis, Agricultural Assistant I, both from the Agricultural Extension Division.
The objective of the training was to provide participants from the eight (8) Project Participating Countries (Antigua/Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, St. Lucia were present, Jamaica was absent) with the fundamental knowledge and tools to help build the credibility of farmers’ responses to natural resource management.
The Participants were trained to determine the degree of Climate-Smart Agriculture compliance, with respect to projects, processes and products using the HNVI certification and auditing tool which can be used to compare the same to justify the applicability and quantum of Climate change Funding (grant and/or loans).
The workshop seemed to have met and surpassed the expectations of its participants. “For me the workshop was very informative, it taught us how to measure Farmers’ Climate-Smart Compliance in the categories of resource conservation, energy use, safety, biodiversity support and greenhouse gas reduction by using a mobile app. We were also introduced to Smart contracts and we learnt how to interpret the Climate-Smart Agricultural Compliance results shown on a pentagon. I believe that this project, the Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (PISLM) strengthens the Caribbean ability to achieve land degradation neutrality and climate resilience”, Estreada-Joseph said.
Both technicians being cognizant and trained in Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) were very appreciative of the training offered by the workshop and realized that how to synergize the information obtained to better assist the farmers. “The Seminar in Guyana was very informative, if you know good agricultural practices, what the Climate-Smart exercise does, it actually shows the weak areas and knowing the weak areas the farmer can improve these areas and himself with the content from the Climate-Smart project. It was very, very informative and we are hoping to work with the farmers here and help them improve the weak areas and help them to be better farmers too”, added Francis.
The Ministry of Agriculture is committed to the PISLM and other projects for the betterment of the sector and the continuous training of its staff.
frl-r: Trevor Thompson, Soilcare Project Manager, Petranilla Estreada-Joseph, Kenrick Francis and Steve Maxamay, Soilcare Climate Smart and Marketing Specialist.
Both Estreada-Joseph and Francis receiving their certificates as CSAC Compliance Officers