Virtual Market Study Tour – Trinidad and Tobago Market

Virtual Market Study Tour – Trinidad and Tobago Market

Saturday 16th/Monday 18th September 2023

Guidelines for Participants

The purpose of the study tour is to provide a quick assessment of the competitive environment for products seeking in selected markets. With several beneficiaries under the UN Women funded intervention seeking to access overseas markets, this exercise can be useful to the market research process. It will be complimented by the participation in the Market Opportunities Forum (20th September 2023). In addition, even where there is no interest in accessing overseas markets, there is an opportunity for producers in the chapters to understand the competitive situation in another market and lessons can be learnt to support domestic trade.

For this occasion, the focus will be on the Trinidad and Tobago market. At the market study tour, participants will be exposed to the trade at a major regional supermarket chain operating in the country. At the supermarket, we hope to expose beneficiaries to the competitive environment as well as consumer trends. There are therefore a few guidelines to support the effective conduct of the exercise and allow beneficiaries to maximise the benefits from participation:

1. Identification by each beneficiary of one (1) or two (2) export ready products from the company portfolio.

2. At the supermarket, based on the identified product from the enterprise, examine the various products of a similar nature. As such, participants will be exposed to the range of products from selected value chains:

1. Sauces and condiments

2. Jams and jellies

3. Non-alcoholic beverages- juices, teas and related beverages

4. Chocolates, candy and preservatives

5. Root crops- Fresh and frozen

6. Cereals and related items

7. Meat products- including fish

8. Herbs and spices

9. Other- Beneficiaries can propose additional areas.


Participants are encouraged to consider various variables and issues:

· Price points- (Retails prices will be shown. The exchange rate is an estimated USD 1 to TTD 6.8.

· Packaging/labelling options and issues

· Possible market leader (Estimated by shelf presence)

· Substitutes (Do they exist? Are they located close to the identified product category?)

· Shelf space (how are products positioned? Is there space for more products?)

· Local versus foreign products

· Observed consumer preferences and concerns

· Assessment of the socio-economic dynamics prevalent at the supermarket/country

· Any other issue deemed relevant to understanding competition and consumer trends

4. In addition, participants should understand the general requirements for entry into the supermarket trade (Dialogue with buyer will be facilitated).

5. Schedule

The study tour will be conducted in three (3) time segments on the day. The products will be explored at the various times as follows:

Saturday 16th September 2023

10.00 am – 12.00 pm

· Jams and jellies/Frozen root crop products and products derived from root crops

1.00 pm – 3.00 pm

· Cereals and other snack items

4.00 pm – 5.00 pm

· Chocolates Candy and Preservatives

Monday 18th September 2023

10.00 am – 12.00 pm

· Sauces and condiments/Herbs and Spices

1.00 pm – 3.00 pm

· Non-alcoholic beverages (Including Teas etc)

4.00 pm- 5.00 pm

· Meat products

· Other products

Pre-Registration is required:

Meeting link-