Ministry of Agriculture and IICA join forces to empower females and youth within the Agriculture and Fisheries sectors

Under the theme, “BUILDING EFFECTIVE RESILENCE FOR HUMAN SECURITY IN THE CARIBBEAN COUNTRIES: THE IMPERATIVE OF GENDER EQUALITY AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN A STRENGTHENED AGRICULTURE (AND RELATED AGRI/FISHERIES SMALL BUSINESS) SECTOR”, a workshop jointly organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Inter-American Institute Cooperative in Agriculture (IICA) began Monday 4th evening and continues on Tuesday 5th at the Extension Division located in the old PDO building then on September 6th, .11th and 12th at the Environment Division from 5:00 to 7:00p.m.

This project was conceptualized to specifically support female and youth-owned/managed micro, small and medium enterprises referred to as the MSMEs in the Agriculture and Fisheries sectors. The project’s main objective is to demonstrate to the participants how to enhance their business’s competitiveness and capture market opportunities.

Over twenty persons registered for this training and the areas intended to be covered during the workshop are product development, Standards, Food Safety and HACCP, Marketing/ Labeling /Branding and Social Media/ITC.