On Thursday, July 13th, the Forestry Division within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture and Trade aided in educating a total of one hundred and fifty (150) young minds at the Body Pond arboretum on the importance of trees to the environment and tree conservation.
There were twenty (20) preschoolers ranging in ages from four to six years (4-6) from the Yahweh Shammah Play Center, and one hundred and thirty (130) children, ages four to fourteen (4-14) from the City-West Summer Camp. The program was spearheaded by Forestry Officer, Mrs. Camellia Wallace-Tonge, with support from Forestry Head Ranger Brent Simon along with Tour Guides, Kadeema Ambrose, Jenel Warner, Shakcroy McKenzie, Thyesha Smalls, Kareem Joseph, Shakkia Banes, and Forestry Rangers Vashawn Jarvis, Kursan Casimir, Lloyd Williams.
Given the numbers, they were cleaved into three groups for a hands-on experience, where they successfully planted and irrigated fifty (50) mahogany saplings, starting with a miniature hike to the area. The excitement of the campers escalated when they were informed of the prizes to be given for the most organized group, most helpful, most dedicated, most determined little one, and for the most trees planted. Gratitude extends to the Prime Minister, Hon. Gaston Browne, and the Youth Arm for St. John’s City West Constituency for their kind donation of the toys.
The Forestry Division continues to combat the invasive lemongrass in the Body Pond Area. With the successful reclamation of fifty-two acres of land from the invasive species, the long-term objective is to transform the Body Pond area into an arboretum—a testament to the department’s commitment to environmental conservation. The division continues to work along with schools and groups as they pledge to assist in molding young minds and educate them on the environment and the part, they can play in maintaining it.