It’s Fruity Tuesday and our second fruit of the day is the soursop!
It helps to strengthen the immune system, aid in digestive health, and promote blood pressure regulation.
Here in Antigua we use the leaves for tea, eat the fruit raw, and even make drinks with it.
What are some other uses of soursop?
May be an image of sugar-apple and text that says 'SOURSOP (ANNONA MURICATA) also known as graviola, a nutrient- dense, low-calorie fruit of Annona muricata, native tree to the tropical regions of the Americas. MIIRYF SHERESND S ACRICULT AFFAIR It high in antioxidant with cancer fighting Nutrition Facts properties. Soursop can be enjoyed as Ice pops, smoothies, desserts or even eaten raw. May Help: *Antioxidants Fiber *Choline *Vitamin c Potassium strengthen immune system, aid digestive health, promote blood pressure regulation.'