CBH conducted a Rodents Seminar at MoA
Today, Tuesday 20th June, the Central Board of Health (CBH) held an in-house presentation/discussion with several members of staff that represented different areas within the Ministry of Agriculture. The four-member group led by Miss Julinne Mannix, Mrs. Patricia Baptiste-Philip (presenter) Miss Kjoa Liverpoole and Miss Karen Lumsden focused on rodents and the diseases that they can spread and the damages that they can cause. In addition, rodent disease prevention and mitigation of spreading the same were also discussed.
The main disease mentioned was Leptospirosis and how easily persons can contract it. Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects both humans and animals. Humans may become infected through contact with urine and other body fluids except saliva from infected animals. Any contact with contaminated water, soil, or food is caused by the urine of infected animals. To prevent any infection means keeping rodent problems under control.
Rodents are small gnawing mammals within both jaws a single pair of incisors with a chisel-shaped edge. Some of these are mice, rats, squirrels, and hamsters however, can be pets while others such as mice and rats can be pests. In many areas around the world, the contamination of the Leptospirosis cycle starts either by mice or rats.
It was a very informative and interactive session. The information disseminated was enlightening and timely. In attendance were MoA staff members from fourteen areas such as Plant Protection, Extension, Communication, Registry and Veterinary Division. Some vital advice shared was as follows:
· Cut and prune trees
· Store garbage properly and securely
· Pay more attention to our surroundings
· Clean properly and thoroughly
· Don’t not overfeed pets
· Minimize hiding places
· Set traps and sticky pads at the boundaries and not in the centre of the area
· Be more responsible with our actions
· Change locations when baiting
· ALWAYS wash hands thoroughly
· Turn down dishes and utensils
· Get pets vaccinated
Mrs. Denise Thomas (Principle Assistant Secretary) thanked the CBH staff on behalf of the Ministry.