Since 2012 on the 10th of May, “World Poultry Day” has been observed. Started in Europe, the International Poultry Council (IPC) paid tribute to the European breeders, hatcheries, poultry farmers and processing plants for their contribution to “Food Security” in Europe. The aim of this commemoration was to let consumers and critics alike be aware of this fact. Poultry are birds that are reared with the intention to later slaughter and consume. Birds like domestic fowls such as chickens, turkey, ducks and geese are eaten and are good source of protein.
For several years in our twin-island state, we too similarly to the Europeans and others have been consuming and enjoying more from the poultry industry. Unfortunately, there is much needed development for us to reach the state of sustainability and we still are heavily dependent on importation.
We are now producing and meeting our local consumption needs hence drastically reducing our importation of this commodity. Additionally, the Ministry of Agriculture through its Veterinary and Livestock Division has placed restrictions on the importation of eggs. However, sadly at times, there are gluts on the market and often eggs have to be discarded due to a lack of machinery for the conversion/extraction of the eggs to suffice the demands for added value products such as dried eggs powder and dried egg white protein that are on the increase especially in the hotel industry. Therefore, further development for this part of the sector is also needed.
Many farmers and schools have joined the quest to promote “Food Security” through the poultry and eggs sector and it has grown tremendously over time, however, the is room for expansion and improvement. The Ministry of Education has stepped up to the “Food Security” challenge and has implemented through the schools both prime and secondary, a robust agriculture science programme and the Ministry of Agriculture is very pleased about this upgrade. Many of the schools are engaged in mixed farming (both crop production and or animal husbandry to include layers and broilers). Additionally, many private schools have also been contributing towards the agricultural sector.
Consuming local is the most nutritional, hopefully in time more cost-effective and sensible course of action. We are what we consume therefore the onus is definitely on us to be responsible and support LOCAL.