Ceremony of Closure for the IICA-CBF EbA Project
This event closed the formal relationship between the Gilbert Agriculture Rural Development Centre (GARDC) as the local contractor to the IICA-CBF EbA Facility-funded project entitled Strengthening Coastal and Marine Climate Resilience through Upland and Coastal Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA) and Community Engagement, was fulfilling as it was inspiring. The event was also used to mark the achievements of an extremely important aspect of the project – the official launch of vetiver-based green businesses.
Gregg Rawlins ECS Representative marked the events as “extremely timely and relevant as it provides a suitable space for us to recognize the critical partnerships that have been forged during the life of the project and launch the vetiver-based green businesses, registered during the project. The event also provides a platform to showcase the products produced by Vetiver in the Exhibition-Mini-market, thereby demonstrating the potential of Vetiver for pursuing green business opportunities”.
Newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trade, Agriculture, and Barbuda Affairs, Hon. EP Chet Greene, got the opportunity to participate in his first IICA-led action since his appointment in January 2023. In his remarks he recalled his colleague former Minister of Agriculture Hon. Samantha Marshall speaking highly of this project during their cabinet sessions in 2021-22. He expressed his satisfaction in seeing the end products derived from the vetiver grass thus far, which creates a new niche market for agro-processors. He committed his support to GARDC and other project beneficiaries in building their green business ventures. The minister was presented with a basket of appreciation from Ms. June Jackson, GARDC Director, containing value-added vetiver grass products created by GARDC.
In speaking about the EbA project in general, IICA National Specialist and local project Coordinator Craig M. Thomas confirmed that green business support went beyond training and included business registration, which enabled legal registration and incorporation of two new green businesses. This in addition to their unique product offering will enhance the opportunities that these businesses will be able to attract. He thanked all the local partners which was a public-private approach which included the Antigua and Barbuda Investment Authority (ABIA), the Ministries of Tourism and Agriculture, Koncep Branding, JAL Consultancy and other public and private stakeholders for the collaborative efforts exhibited thus far under the project and noted that even as the EbA project formally ends later this year, the success of these green businesses will ensure that the goal of the project continues to be met.
The Inter-American Institute for Corporation on Agriculture (IICA) is Executing Agency for the project funded by the Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF) EbA Facility, which is supported by the Government of Germany through the German Development Bank (KfW) with resources from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety.