World Water Day 2023
photo taken by Adriel Thibou, Senior Forestry Officer
Every year since 1992, the United Nation had declared 22nd March as “World Water Day”. We can all agree that Water affectionately called H2O is a vital commodity for life and is essential for every living thing on this planet.
This year’s theme “2023 Accelerating Change”. Most if not all, can concur to the fact that WATER is a precious and scarce necessity. Therefore, this year’s focus is on fostering change in the mindset of many. Foster a change of responsible usage, less wastage, conservation and more storing.
In recent month the Ministry of Agriculture and its partners such as IICA, CARDI and FAO embarked on the quest of a water conservation drive which has several components that include rainwater harvesting, drip/sub-surface irrigation and pond restoration. The ministry’s most direct involvement is that of the ponds and is happy for the success great reviews received from farmers, schools and the general public.
However, our work has to be a continuous effort and We ought to be mindful that. We are the custodians of earth and its resources. Therefore, the time is now to accelerate this change by being in a survival mode and STOP the nonchalant behaviour about our WATER CRISIS.