‘Addressing the Water, Energy Food Nexus in the Caribbean’ sub-project component of the Mexico-CARICOM-FAO Initiative “Cooperation for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in the Caribbean” is supporting Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Jamaica and Saint Kitts and Nevis in boosting agricultural productivity through water-resource efficiency. Using an integrated Water-Energy-Food nexus approach, it promotes technological innovations, such as solar-powered (micro) irrigation systems to improve water efficiency and management (e.g. hydroponics and rainwater harvesting), and access to clean and climate-smart energy (solar and wind), to increase the agricultural productivity of water.

The goal of this initiative is to provide support to farmers in beneficiary countries, such as Antigua and Barbuda, by offering access to water storage, training, and renewable energy to combat the adverse effects of climate change.

To achieve this, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has partnered with the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) which has done extensive research in areas such as water resource management, climate change and agriculture, risk management, water resource management, and sustainable agricultural systems.

Collaboratively, FAO and CARDI have organized a series of workshops which started Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st and respectively concluded on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th. Over thirty farmers and backyard gardeners were trained therefore the expected quorum was basically met. With the focus on educating the food producers on good and environmentally sustainable practices in agriculture on various considerations and concepts for pursuing agriculture while dealing with current climate challenges and how to curtail these adverse effects.

The workshop was coordinated by Mr. Mali Barnes, National Project Coordinator for the FAO Water Energy Food Project, and facilitated by Mr. Paul Lucas, Sustainable Water Management Specialist and the CARDI Representative for Antigua and Barbuda. In addition to the Food producers, agricultural extension officers also attended this workshop, their participation was anticipated will give allowance for the continued dissemination of vital information and assistance to other farmers and interested persons that may be seeking solutions for similar concerns. They received presentations on the effect Climate Change has had on both livestock and crop farming in Antigua, different climate-smart technologies and practices available and best suited for agriculture in Antigua, water harvesting and storage, and also substitute-protected agriculture practices.

The participants were given tours of the CARDI facility for a more hands-on view of what they have implemented to ensure the security of their crops. Paul Lucas introduced several varieties of hot peppers, sweet potatoes and cassava, he demonstrated different types of planting mechanisms/materials and practices such as submerged irrigation systems. All of which aid in better yield and the reduction of water usage which are also affordable. They also learned about simple methods of pest eradication, production/germination of seeds and seedlings to ensure top quality/high productivity.  Additionally, Mr. Lucas explained the importance of safe water storage  and also what they could implement to cause less damage/degradation due to the changing weather conditions or the scarcity of one of the main natural resources, WATER!