Minister Greene Inaugural Farmers Meeting
Last night at the Multipurpose Centre Minister E. P. Chet Greene shortly after arriving from his first meeting with the Barbuda Council had his inaugural meeting with the farmers and producers of Northwest District. This meeting took place before the Anti-Praedial Larceny Consultation which was held from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the same venue. Also in attendance was the Director of Agriculture, Acting Chief Extension Officer, Acting Senior Extension Officer and Chief Plant Protection Officer.
In his opening speech, Minister Greene explained that his aim was to work along and support them in his personal persona, through the ministry and his technical staff. The minister expressed that education is paramount and further implored all present to put politics and political affiliations aside and focus on the sector with the prime goals of feeding the nation and reducing the importation bill. “We need to respect the offices of the ministry, by reporting/communicating with the technicians and officers because they nor I can know what’s happening out there when we are in our offices. It is my intention to visit every district and all the farms to see what you are doing but it cannot be done all at the same time”, Minister Greene said.
Additionally, the minister encouraged the farmers/producers to have a more serious approach and think of their practice as a business, to strive and improve on their skills and businesses by acquiring more training and education that would be most beneficial.
In the conclusion of his opening speech, Minister Greene admitted that he was aware of most of the difficulties they face, such as an inadequate supply of water, praedial Larceny, and taxes. Further, he invited the farmers to disclose their other concerns and any suggestions or solutions for these plights. Additionally, he assured the producers that dialogue has already taken place between Minister Nicholas (APUA) and him regarding the availability of water and the further reduction of the cost.
Comments and concerns which came from the attendees included:
- Stricker legislation for the protection and the misuse of Agricultural land
- Removal of taxes from ALL items related to agriculture inclusive of local purchases
- Infrastructure, roads and better access to farms
- difficult application process for extension services
- More assistance from the ministry with fencing materials, pond liners and inputs
- Compensation for destruction of property by roaming animals
- Accessibility to affordable Insurance
- Farmers united
- Coalition between government and farmers
- Identification cards
- Assistance with business plans
Suggested solutions from the floor:
- Get more equipment for agricultural assistance
- Easier paperwork
- Government to assist more or donate more (inputs, fencing, seeds etc)
- Legislation to control the quantity of food importation by hotels and supermarkets
- Market for produce
Before departing for another engagement, the minister announced and repeated his personal cell # for anyone that needed to contact him. “Anyone who knows me knows that I have an open-door policy and my work day begins from 4:00a.m,” said Minister Greene.