Backyard Gardening and Hydroponics

On Tuesday, November 29th, an Award Ceremony was held for ten outstanding individuals for their attendance, attentiveness, participation and commitment in a Backyard Gardening and Hydroponics Training facilitated by the Extension Division which commenced from November 15th 2022 to December 16th 2022 and continued January 3rd to February 10th 2022.

Backyard Garden Facilitator attached to the Ministry of Agriculture’s Extension Division, Efuru Elihu commended the participants for their involvement and commitment to the program. She also expressed how delighted she is to see that even after the course the participants are applying what they have learnt and there has been a great improvement in their production.

Acting Extension Officer, Ika Fergus who also facilitated this workshop, thanked and complimented the participants for the keen interest they have shown throughout the workshop and encourage them to continue on that path.   Further, he explained that the Ministry of Agriculture has embarked on several initiatives and projects in the quest for Zero Hunger, Food Security, Self Sustainability and Food Sovereignty.  “We as workers of the Ministry have seen the increase in food prices at the supermarkets and are aware that we need to do more but the Ministry can’t do it alone but with more hands-on deck we can and will achieve our goals.  Congratulations and Kudos to all of you, I know some of you had to travel from far but remained committed,” Fergus said.  In closing, he reminded the participants that the Ministry is there to serve the general public with technical support and other agricultural assistance.

Each participant was gifted a bottle of organic fertilizer, compliments of Grandad’s Garden Goodness.

KatyAnn Burnette, Juliett Carr-Sheppard, Blare Christian, Dario Farquhar, Peterson Griffith, Zimbob Howe, Mowava Robinson, Justin Simon and James St. John Jr., were all recipients of certificates for their outstanding performance in the Agricultural Extension Division’s Backyard Gardening and Hydroponics Training Programme.