Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs Officials visit Barbuda Council
A delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs (MAFBA)travelled to Barbuda to meet with members of the Barbuda Council and other stakeholders to discuss matter of common interest and concern. The group comprised of Colin O’Keiffe, MAFBA Permanent Secretary, Dr. Tubal Edwards, Chief Veterinary Officer for MAFBA and Darilyn Burton, Liaison Officer for Barbuda Affairs within MAFBA.
While on the Sister Isle, the team met with the Barbuda Council and representative from Peace, Love and Harmony (PLH). This company is presently investing in the sister isle and according to reports they are assisting fervently with its development. “PLH is the new investors shining the light on Barbuda,” said Burton.
Some of the main topics deliberated on were Animal Control and Management, Barbuda’s Agricultural Sector, Fisheries, Egg Production and PiAngo Festival.
- Animal Control and Management: According to Dr. Edwards there was an urgent need to curtail procreation and to corral the large herd of equines that stampede throughout Codrington, destroy property and eat produce from the farms. “The horse and donkey population were concerns of both PLH and the Barbuda Council. MAFBA’s recommendation was to secure an area to house them so they can be kept from everything because they are becoming a nuisance and are damaging people’s properties, infrastructure and other things,” explained Dr. Edwards.
Additionally, the intention is to provide frequent veterinary services operating from the facility that was donated by the Humane Society.
- Barbuda Agriculture Programme: A number of crop items were discussed including peanuts which was once successfully grown on Barbuda. “We are seeking to engage the Barbuda Council in considering Food Production in Barbuda. There is a lot of land and the Ministry is hoping that some of it would be utilized for food production especially since the region, (the OECS) is seeking to reduce the food import by becoming more self-sufficient,” said PS O’Keiffe.
- Fisheries: In collaboration with the Barbuda Council MAFBA will be seeking to revamp this industry on Barbuda not only to take care of the local consumption but also expand it. The initial aim is to obtain and sustain access to the European market. However, the scope is not limited to the European Market but far and wide as possible.
- Egg Production: The MAFBA delegation discovered that production there did not meet the demand. Therefore, a link was made between the Barbuda Council and the Egg Layers Association in an effort for Barbuda to always have access and for them to able to increase their egg production. Additionally, broilers which is one of the commodities being considered for Antigua and Barbuda contribution to the “Caricom Food Security Initiative” also will be produced on a larger scale to adequately suffice first and foremost our domestic needs thus reducing that as an item on our importation bill. There are farmers on Antigua that are willing to assist their Barbuda counterparts so it will be a Farmer-to-Farmer Co-operation” insisted Dr. Edwards.
- PiAngo: Through this meeting an invitation was extended to the Barbuda Council for Barbudans to participate in this event and it is anticipated from 2023 PiAngo there will be added features to this effect. Hopefully, Barbudan goats will be included in the Goat Race, also possibly a tortoise race and the showcasing of a Fallow Deer.
The planning of the meeting and the success of the assistance to be received from the PLH was credited to Ms. Burton for her sterling negotiating and intervention abilities. One of the main benefits would be a donation of the Barbuda Virgin Grass to MAFBA and other contributions made by the PLH.
Any agricultural endeavours will be in fully consolidation with the Barbuda Council. “We will be working in collaboration with the Council. An assessment and decisions will have to made with the Council’s total involvement and approval,” PS O’Keiffe adamantly stated.
PS O’Keiffe surmised that the meeting as a success because all the stakeholders have the same interest at heart and there will be some following up done. “Based on what was discussed we will have to follow up and if we didn’t have to do so it would have meant that the meeting was not successful, everybody is basically looking through the same window and I do not see anything but progress”, PS O’Keiffe said.