Agriculture Director attended UPOV Training held in Switzerland

More and more as technology and science advance and evolve, scientists, technicians, farmers and even world leaders are looking for answers.  Some of these answers are pertaining to “Food Security and “Food Sovereignty”.  On going is the quest for improved quality and better yield to suffice the demands of the earth’s human populace.

As such the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) recently organized a “Train the Trainer” workshop in Geneva, Switzerland and attended on behalf of Antigua and Barbuda was Director of Agriculture within the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Barbuda Affairs (MAFBA), Mr. Gregory Bailey. “They had what they call a Trainers of Trainer workshop they are essentially advertising the organization for membership, for individual countries to join and strengthen the Organization.  Its essentially geared towards supporting what is called “Breeders Rights” for people who breed seeds and particularly new varieties, to actually benefit, sharing the benefits because a lot of times varieties are established on farms for example and the farmers get no benefits or royalties. UPOV is there to make certain that recognition and royalties are given to persons that have done the work”, Bailey said.

The main focus of this training was to look at Plant Variety Protection as a strategic element to promote development in Agriculture.  Whereas, according to UPOV, the programme pertains to Plant Breeding and new Plant Varieties, thus to be used as a vehicle to transfer technology and the role of plant variety to promote plant breeding.

“If we join UPOV and take the necessary processes, like the legal framework and other necessary measures to be put in place in becoming a member, which the Intellectual Properties Office is handling and MABFA is dealing purely from the Agricultural side. I would recommend that we join and we are in the process of   process of doing so”, said Bailey.

According to Leontino Taveira, head of the Technical Affairs and Regional Development (Latin America, Caribbean). Assistance will go beyond the programme and will be available for countries.“We are ready to go beyond the programme topics to address any particular needs your country has in this area” said Taveira,

Antigua and Barbuda was the only island representing Agriculture, other representations from the region was a delegation from CARICOM and some from the legal fraternity.  “The attended participants were either representing the Agricultural sector or the Legal Framework” Bailey said.