Last week, two (2) Primary schools in Antigua; Potters Primary and the St. Andrew’s Primary schools were afforded the opportunity to tour the Caribbean Agriculture Research and Development Institute (CARDI).
CARDI is a regional research station that is geared towards research interventions with respect to agricultural water use, water resource management and water harvesting. CARDI also specializes in seed production and the many varieties of sweet potato and cassava.
The fourth (4) and fifth (5) grade students got a tour of the institution’s seed bank, weather station, shade house and they also learned about the different varieties of sweet potato that can be grown in Antigua. This tour was led by the CARDI Representative for Antigua and Barbuda and Montserrat, Paul Lucas with assistance of the staff of the CARDI station.
Many of the students were amazed to see how sweet potato is grown as they consume it regularly but have never seen how it grows. Both schools were beneficiaries of the “Plant A Seed” Initiative by the Agriculture Extension Division Backyard Unit under the Food and Agriculture Organization (FA0) World Food Day 2022 where they received seeds, cassava and sweet potato cuttings.