Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs held a Food Bank Drive to Commemorate World Food Day

Last week, as one of the activities slated in commemoration of “World Food Day”, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs (MAFBA) launched an internal “Food Bank Drive” amongst its staff.

Each and every staff member in all of the ministry’s divisions and units were asked to donate towards this cause.  Additionally, other stakeholders such as farmers also donated and contributed. “I am happy to say that the amount of dried food items and vegetables donated surpassed my expectations”, said Marcelle Freeland, Liaison Officer – MAFBA.

The food items donated ranged from canned items such as milk, sausages, corn, sardines and tuna to name a few.  Packets of rice, sugar, noodles and pasta, bottles of coffee, tomato ketchup, and cooking oil  were also given by the some staff members while from farmers fresh produce such as lettuce, butternut, sieve and thyme were also received for the worthy cause.  The Ministry intends to donate the collected foods to three institutions that are in need of any support and assistance available.