As part of the Agricultural Science topic, Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in Plants, Agriculture Science teachers and students (Forms 2-5) of the Pares Secondary School visited the Green Castle Agricultural Station for a field trip. This visit to the station was led by the Station’s staff and the students were educated on the different aspects of plant propagation such as: budding, grafting, air-layering and stem cutting. The purpose of this trip to the Agricultural Station was to give the students a hands-on approach to compliment the theoretical aspect of the topic.

The students were very enthused about the experience and were also given the opportunity to participate in demonstrations of the different propagation methods. Both the teachers and students were extremely grateful for the demonstrations and knowledge exchanged by the staff of the Green Castle Agricultural Station.

Secondary and Primary Schools in Antigua are encouraged to utilize the Government Agricultural Stations for the development of hands-on experience in specialty agricultural practices.