ANTIGUA and BARBUDA partners with ST. LUCIA on a IICA project

26 September 2022: Through Technical Cooperation, the IICA Delegation in Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Lucia collaborated with MASSY Stores Ltd. in Saint Lucia to provide an opportunity for Mr. Dunstan Demille, Perishables Manager, at MASSY Stores Ltd to share the experience on the processes and procedures that have been created in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture in Saint Lucia to support the farming community to Honorable Samantha Marshall, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs, Government of Antigua and Barbuda, Mr. Brent Georges, Project Coordinator within the Ministry of Agriculture in Antigua and Barbuda and Mr. Craig Thomas, National Specialist at the IICA Delegation in Antigua and Barbuda.
Mr. Demille highlighted the importance of farmer relationships, pricing strategies, understanding of the fluctuations in demand and supply for commodities, and timely payments to farmers as key areas of focus to facilitate the marketing of fresh produce at MASSY Stores Ltd. in Saint Lucia. This presentation was insightful to Hon. Marshall and team from the Ministry Ministry of Agriculture in Antigua and Barbuda in light of the repurposing and remodeling of the Agriculture Development Cooperation (ADC), and the Central Marketing Cooperation (CMC) in Antigua and Barbuda to support the farming community in Antigua and Barbuda in similar efforts as MASSY Stores in Saint Lucia.
Mr. Gregg C.E Rawlins, IICA Representative to the ECS supported the request from Hon. Marshall and highlighted the need to focus on the advancement of the agriculture sector through the creation of farmer support mechanisms to encourage continued agricultural production in light of working towards food security in the region. #farmer #food #production #foodsecurity
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Marcelle A Freeland and 2 others
