CARDI’s Executive Director visits Antigua & Barbuda
On Tuesday September 20th, Executive Director, Ansari Hosein and CARDI Representative in Antigua and Barbuda, Paul Lucas met with Mr. Craig Thomas, IICA National Specialist, Mr. Mail Barnes, FAO Consultant and Mr. Brent Georges, Projects Coordinator, Antigua Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs
All three agencies have been steadfast supporters and valued partners of CARDI. Together, we have worked to implement mutually beneficial projects aimed at improving agricultural productivity and food and nutrition security on the island. Mr. Hosein thanked them for their support especially over the last 3 challenging years. He noted that their assistance helped strengthen the Institute to better serve stakeholders.
CARDI and IICA continue to build the capacity of stakeholders especially farmers in irrigation technology and management. For Antigua this work has been crucial, as prolonged drought conditions on the island have impacted agricultural production. Paul Lucas noted that through irrigation, soil and water management strategies, farmers have been able to extend their cropping cycles to meet demand.
The Institute continues to provide technical assistance in the areas of soil and water management and seed production and management for crops like hot pepper, table squash, pumpkin, corn, roots and tubers and high quality forages.
CARDIcaribbean pledged to work closely with the Ministry of Agriculture and key partners IICA ECS and FAO to support Agriculture development on the island.